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October 23, 2008

Healthy Halloween Recipe: Spicy 'Bruised' Bugs

This healthy recipe from 365 Halloween are in bright shades of green, yellow, and black. For a snappy, cripsy texture, use fresh or frozen veggies for a crispy texture, and avoid canned. It's a spooktakular way to get kids who "don’t like vegetables" to enjoy healthy eating.

Ingredients (organic whenever possible, fresh or frozen):

  • 2 parts peas
  • 2 parts black beans (canned is ok)
  • 2 parts corn
  • 1 part avocados, largely cubed
  • 1 part carrots, cubed or shaped (see below for ideas)

Toss together above ingredients in a bowl. The following spices are approximate, so use them as a guide and do everything "to taste". I actually like a little less cumin and a little more nutritional yeast, but I adjust the spices every time for new combinations and it is always delicious:

  • 2 parts cumin
  • 1 part ginger
  • 1 pinch cloves
  • 2 parts nutritional yeast (or “cheesy sprinkles” as we call them)
  • cold-pressed olive oil, just enough to coat veggies
  • Braggs Liquid Aminos (or soy sauce or salt)

Drizzle oil and sprinkle spices into mixed veggies. Cumin, ginger, and especially cloves can be acquired tastes due to their intense flavor so try small amounts at first and slowly increase to reach desired taste. Serve in either an equally brightly colored or a black bowl.

For the carrots, we like to use tiny fondant cutters (generally found in the cake decorating supply isle at craft stores). First make thin slices with a mandolin type slicer (or a knife) and then use the cutter to punch out the shape. As you can see, we used stars. Sean decided to get creative and cut out some freeform shapes with a knife. He made a cleaver, dagger, ghost, pumpkin, and a rocket with the word "sugar" carved into it (those are black mustard seeds on top). If you have the time and inclination you can make any spooky shapes you want. Spiders would probably be pretty easy and go great with the "bug" theme.

Also, read our Halloween Recipe for Pizza Mummies.

Posted by Laura on October 23, 2008 | Permalink


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Anyone? Who have tried this?

By the way thanks for sharing this information.

Thanks & Regards,
Vikash Kumar

Posted by: Vikash Kumar | Oct 23, 2008 2:24:49 PM

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